Video Lecture 2 – McMahon provides a full examination of conducting Pre-Employment, or Applicant Investigations. Students will also be required to conduct a background search.
Video Lecture 3 – McMahon provides an overview of Domestic Investigations, which include: Asset, Custody, Fidelity, and Cohabitation Investigations. He ends with a case study and copies of Activity Reports.
Students will also be able to download PDF’s of the PowerPoint presentations used in the Lectures, as well as a digital copy of Mr. McMahon’s latest book: Guide to Professional Investigation.

- Instructor: Rory McMahon
This course will teach you about conducting Interviews, Interrogations and Taking Statements. Tom Bailey, CLI is one of the outstanding young Investigators with 15 years of experience working for one of the most prominent Legal Investigative firms in Philadelphia. He will teach you how to conduct these activities from the perspective of a Legal Investigator and what is needed to obtain successful results whether it is a criminal defense case. Civil lawsuit or any other case where interviews are needed.

- Instructor: Tom Bailey
McMahon then describes various state and federal law enforcement agencies, documenting the crime scene and ending with Investigative Tools.
Video Lecture 2 – McMahon provides an overview of Terrorism and the government’s approach to investigating and prosecuting terrorists.
Video Lecture 3 – McMahon provides a case study of the infamous Liberty City 7 in which he worked as a Defense Investigator.
Video Lecture 4 – McMahon describes in detail a Homicide Investigation he conducted in Savanna GA. The case involved gangs and is still unsolved.
Students will also be able to download PDF’s of the PowerPoint presentations used in the Lectures, as well as a digital copy of Mr. McMahon’s latest book: Guide to Professional Investigation.

- Instructor: Rory McMahon
Video Lecture 2 – McMahon provides an overview on conducting Due Diligence Investigations. He also assigns students do a search on him.
Video Lecture 3 – McMahon provides a detailed description on Restrictions on Records, including legislation which extremely hampers the Investigator ability to obtain needed information.
Students will also be able to download PDF’s of the PowerPoint presentations used in the Lectures.

- Instructor: Rory McMahon
This Class is taught by Tom Bailey, CLI. He will cover in great detail: Skip Tracing (ST) Basics; The Process; Researching Public Records; ST Resources; Searching Financial & Business Records; ST Tools; Public Records Searches; Private Sources of Information; Finding Hidden Assets; Searching Social Media & Sample Database Reports. IEC 104 – 3 Credits

- Instructor: Tom Bailey
Video Lecture 1 – Tom Bailey provides an in depth overview of Ethics for the Professional Investigator including:
Investigative Ethics; Business Conduct; 12 Critical
Questions for Ethical Decisions; Investigative Ethics;
Confidentiality; Privacy; Scope of Work; Truth; Advocacy;
Promoting Education; Business Conduct; Avoiding Conflicts Of Interest;
Fair Representation to Clients; Treatment of Competitors; & Legal Issues.
Video Lecture 2 – Tom presents several scenarios that each student is asked to answer that shows the potential grey areas that today’s Professional Investigator may confront and have to resolve. He then provides sample answers from HIS perspective as someone in the field with 15+ years of experience. But there may be no 100% right answer. He invites your input and perspective.
Course includes a printed copy of Code of Professional Conduct by Kitty Hailey, CLI.
Please provide the address to which you want the book sent. If you wish, Kitty will sign the book to you. Please indicate how you would like her to address it.
IEC 105 – 7 Credits
- Instructor: Tom Bailey
This Class is taught by Tom Bailey, CLI. He will cover: IEC
106 – 3 credits
The Purpose and Preparation; Fundamentals; Characteristics
of a Good Report; How to Write Reports; & Samples of Various Types of
Reports used by Investigators.

- Instructor: Tom Bailey
- Instructor: Jon Lyon
Video Lecture 2 –
Matt provides a full examination of video techniques and equipment; writing various types of surveillance reports and then gives you the required surveillance assignment: three 2-hour surveillances on a target followed by submission of a Surveillance video and edited video of the subject leaving and return to their vehicle.
Video Lecture 3 – Matt provides an overview of the best methods for conducting surveillances, the rules to follow and the tricks of the trade. Students will also be able to learn from the lessons that he has learned, both the successes and failures.
- Instructor: Jon Lyon
- Instructor: Rory McMahon
McMahon then goes on to explore different types of Legal cases and how they are investigated. He ends with tips on conducting record searches in legal cases.
Video Lecture 2 – McMahon provides an overview of Investigations in the Workplace. He then provides a look at several cases that he worked.
Video Lecture 3 – McMahon presents information about the Investigator as Witness, and/or Testifying in Court, Depositions and Hearings.
Students will also be able to download PDF’s of the PowerPoint presentations used in the Lectures, as well as a digital copy of Mr. McMahon’s latest book: Guide to Professional Investigation.

- Instructor: Jon Lyon
- Instructor: Rory McMahon
Video Lecture 2 – McMahon provides a Case Study of all the different types of cases and criminals that he has investigated during the course of his 45+ year career as a Fraud Investigator. Included are some notorious fraudsters whose exploits were described in books.
Video Lecture 3 – McMahon provides a comprehensive guide to conducting Asset and Net Worth Investigations using cases that he worked.
Students will also be able to download PDF’s of the PowerPoint presentations used in the Lectures, as well as a copy of Mr. McMahon’s latest book: Fraud Investigation, 3rd Edition.

- Instructor: Rory McMahon